I'm still a little gun-shy about changing core struts classes. I think the below is the right thing to do, but I thought I'd see first.

ModuleConfigImpl.findActionConfig(String path) currently looks for an exact match of the path, and then uses the wild-card matching. However, it does not honor the "unknown" setting of action configs. That "fallback" is implemented in the RequestProcessor.

I'd propose moving that from the RequestProcessor into the ModuleConfigImpl. This would then also involve removing a similar fallback that I committed to the struts-chain AbstractSelectAction class yesterday.

Does anyone object? I mentioned this in my posting about struts-chain, but didn't get any responses on this piece.

Similarly, I believe that the "findException(Class clazz)" method in ActionMapping should be pushed up into ActionConfig so that its fallback strategy of looking for superclass exception handlers is available. Is there any controversy to doing this?

How annoyed would people be if I had just made these changes and committed them rather than asking for opinions?


Joe Germuska
"Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining."
-- Jef Raskin

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