David Graham wrote:


Is there any reason we can't delete:
struts-config_1_0.dtd <-- Users should upgrade to at least Struts 1_1
dtd tiles-config.dtd <-- This is for pre struts tiles.
validation_1_1.dtd <-- This moved to commons-validator pre struts
validator-rules_1_1.dtd <-- This moved to commons-validator pre struts
1.1 web-app_2_2.dtd <-- Don't know why we carry around web-app dtd's

I agree that most of these should be removed but I think the webapp dtds are used when Struts uses Digester to parse web.xml.


I'm not the struts gurus that many of you are, but let me ask innocent questions for my own enlightment. If 1.1 is supporting 2.2, why do we have 2.3 dtd also. Since 2.4 uses XML schemas instead of DTD, has that been addressed? Granted, almost nothing changed from servlet 2.3 to 2.4, so DTD for 2.3 should pretty much work.


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