On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 00:07:28 -0800, Steve Raeburn wrote:
> Option 1 works for me. Simplest thing that could possibly work. As
> you've said, we can always change things around later.

The problem is that is that we already have the simplest thing. And, if we want 
multiple Maven-based products with independent release cycles, then what we have won't 
work. :)

We were already getting ready to change things around. And we *do* need to move things 
around if we are ever going to get away from a "monolithic" Struts to a modular 
Struts, were people can assemble the Struts platform they need for their application. 
If not now, then when? The resolution we submitted says we're suppose to "rationalize" 
Struts, so let's rationalize :)

My preference would be to have a separate repository for each subproject. Each 
subproject represents a coherent software product or "deliverable" with its own 
release cycle. Another way of thinking of the subprojects/products is as Maven 
artifacts. As mentioned elsewhere, all Struts Committers can have access to all 
repositories, and all PMC Members have voting rights over all subprojects.

I'd suggest that we setup a "legacy" jakarta repository that would be frozen. 
Directories could then be moved over to their new repositories, either from a second 
copy of the original repository or from a remote copy.

The subprojects/repositories/artifacts/products I had in mind were:

* core
* taglib
* app
* opt-legacy
* opt-el (or jstl)
* opt-faces
* opt-sandbox

Here's some possible path-to-repository mappings. Later entries assume earlier entries 
were already moved.

/src/share/o.a.s/taglib -> /src/o.a.s/taglib

/src/example,examples,tiles-docmentation -> /src/

/web/ -> /webapp/

/src/contrib/struts-el -> /

/src/contrib/struts-legacy -> /

/src/contrib/struts-faces -> /

/src/contrib/ -> /

/src/share -> "core" repository /src

/ -> /

Something like Struts 2.0 development might start out in the opt-sandbox and then move 
its own repository (like "core2") once we had consensus.


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