On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 19:32:40 -0800 (PST), Martin Cooper wrote:
> If people want to start on 1.3.x, then I'd suggest we all pitch in
> and try to get 1.2.1 in shape for release ASAP.

Works for me. There are a couple of tickets with patches that I can try tonight.

If there's anything else on your list not represented by a problem ticket, please post 
one so that we know what's left to do.

Then, when the problem count hits zero again, we can roll 1.2.1, and call it a branch 

Meanwhile, I would have no problem with calling for a VOTE on Commons Dev tonight to 
promote Commons Chain from the sandbox and roll the 1.0 release.

I used it to good effect in an application based on Maverick, and it's certainly 
proved its worth in the Struts-Chain development. As mentioned elsewhere, I'm now 
taking a crack at a Commons-Chain-based MailReader.


> On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Joe Germuska wrote:
>> At 2:48 PM -0500 3/14/04, Ted Husted wrote:
>>> I'd say we could branch what we have as 1.2 and start thinking
>>> of the HEAD as 1.3.
>>> IMHO, the quickest way to sort out what we need to do with the
>>> Struts-Chain RequestProcessor is to get it out there as the
>>> nightly build. [Many hands make light work ;)]
>>> So, we could reserve the 1.2 for any desperate fixes (as we've
>>> done before), but do anything resembling new development
>>> against the HEAD (1.3).
>> I might do something like this over the weekend, depending on my
>> time (then again, I may not at all!)
>> But if I did, I'd want to see if anyone had any strong feelings,
>> or fixes they thought they'd like to get in before a branch,
>> or... ?
> I'm all for creating a 1.2.x branch so that work can begin on 1.3.x
> on HEAD, but I'm firmly against creating that branch on HEAD right
> now.
> I see little justification for creating a branch at a random point
> in the development cycle. IMNSHO, branches should only be created
> from a release point, especially given our newly adopted Tomcat-
> style release model, which means that the time between releases
> should be short.
> A bunch of stuff has changed since 1.2.0, so it clearly doesn't
> make sense to create a branch from there. A few more things need to
> happen before we're ready for 1.2.1, but not too many, IMO, so I
> believe we should create the 1.3.x branch at the point at which we
> release 1.2.1.
> If people want to start on 1.3.x, then I'd suggest we all pitch in
> and try to get 1.2.1 in shape for release ASAP.
> [Note: Technically, we should vote on how to categorise 1.2.0.
> However, I have not send out a vote request, since it seems fairly
> obvious to me that there was breakage enough to classify it as a
> test build and no more. If anyone else feels otherwise, please
> speak up! ;)]
>> Or should all of this wait until we get the move to
>> struts.apache.org settled?  I'm assuming we'll reorganize CVS as
>> part of that, into struts-core, struts-taglib, etc...  Speaking
>> of that, can we/should we do anything to preserve CVS logs if we
>> move files?  Or will we start fresh?   I think if we move the
>> actual CVS files it will all be preserved, but I've never tried
>> that.
> There are a number of things that will need to be taken care of as
> part of the move to TLP, but I don't think they should impact this
> too much. The CVS repo move, as Ted suggests, is really a rename.
> Any reorganisation of the code base we want to do is independent of
> that.
>> I'm interested in getting the Struts Chain stuff mainstreamed,
>> but like I said, this may very well not be the weekend I start on
>> it.  In any case, I figured a branch would be cause for a little
>> bit of discussion amongst committers.
> Indeed. ;-) I'm looking forward to seeing Chain move forward too,
> but I have a big fat serious caveat before we do anything at all
> here to bring it into the mainstream.
> Commons Chain is still in the sandbox. I feel very strongly that we
> should not be relying on sandbox components in the mainstream of
> Struts. We've been through the pain of that several times before,
> and I don't want to have to deal with it again.
> So before we bring Struts Chain into the mainstream, Chain needs to
> be promoted out of the sandbox and into Commons Proper, preferably
> in good enough shape that it's not too far from being released. (Of
> course, the latter condition will affect a vote to promote it in
> the first place!)
> --
> Martin Cooper
>> Joe
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