Quaini Michele wrote:

> Hello to the list,
> I have two questions:
> 1) We have to deploy another application based on the framework Struts
> Is it safe to put struts.jar under the path webapps/application2/WEB-INF/lib
> and struts.tld under the path webapps/application2/WEB-INF ?

Yes, this is the recommended approach.  The classes under WEB-INF/lib for each
web application are totally independent of each other, even if they have the
same names.

> Will not TOMCAT have problems having two jars with the same classes?
> If yes, where should I put the jars in case of more than one application, in
> the directory
> $TOMCAT_HOME/libs?

Actually, putting struts.jar on the classpath (or in $TOMCAT_HOME/libs) will
cause it not to work.  The problem happens when Struts tries to create a new
application object like an ActionForm bean, and you've got the bean itself under
WEB-INF/classes or WEB-INF/lib.  Because of the way that class loaders work, a
copy of Struts on the system class path will be unable to locate the
corresponding class, and you will get ClassNotFoundException errors.

> 2) We have some log messages that goes in servlet.log (for instance, the
> Actions servlets ones)
> and some of them on the console.
> We would like to have all the messages going to a unique log as now we
> cannot reconstruct the flow of the application
> Do you have any suggestion?

There is a restriction in Tomcat 3.2 related to how you declare log files.  In
Tomcat 4.0 this has been enhanced, letting you declare a separate destination
for the servlet log per application, instead of globally.

If you need to run under Tomcat 3.2, I suggest that you add some sort of
application identifier to the log messages being created.  A common pattern that
I use creates log files like this:

[Application1] This event happened
[Application2] That other event happened

> Many thanks
> Michele

Craig McClanahan

See you at ApacheCon Europe <http://www.apachecon.com>!
Session VS01 (23-Oct 13h00-17h00):  Sun Technical Briefing
Session T06  (24-Oct 14h00-15h00):  Migrating Apache JServ
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