> The <struts:include/> tag (like <jsp:include/>) performs a *runtime* include
> action.  It works best when the included component is itself dynamic, and/or
> you want to be able to modify it independently.
> The <%@ include %> directive performs a *compile time* include, just like
> the #include directive in C or C++.  This textually embeds the text of the
> included page into the containing page, just as if you combined everything
> with a text editor.  Therefore, the included content has access to the
> declared beans in the including page.
> If you want to make beans in the calling page available to the included
> page, make sure you use REQUEST scope rather than PAGE scope.

 By dynamic do you mean jsp servlets ?

  Here is where I am confused: According to the book
  "Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages". Marty Hall
 " Use the include directive if included files will use JSP constructs.
   Otherwise use jsp:include."

  For files included via jsp:include cannot -contain- JSP.

  Is this a correct interpratation of the JSP spec ?

  This seems to just the opposite from what you were saying !?!


Rob Leland [EMAIL PROTECTED] (+01-202-544-0533)
CGH Technologies
FAA ATA 200 Lab

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