Title: RE: Get the whole picture of Struts

I too would be interested in seeing what Johnny is looking for. If anyone manages to create/find something, please post your work here. Thanks!


-----Original Message-----
From: Johnny Yu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 10:03 PM
Subject: Get the whole picture of Struts


How can I get the WHOLE picture of struts? eg. the Class diagram. I'd like make the architecture of Struts as a reference while building our own web application framework. I tried to REVERSE the source code into a Class Diagram with Rose, but get a lot errors like: "Error Resolving qualified name TagSupport occurred in File D:\....." .

Is there anyone who had tried the same procedure? Or Is there any other means to get the Whole pricture and a more detail instruction on struts? the users_guide.html is not enough I think.



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