Kapur-san wrote:

> I was building some prototype for my company and I have modified the Struts
> out-of-box example to add a language drop down on the Login page (which just
> displays English and German) and if the user logs in after selecting the
> language as German all the screens are in German.
> If anybody is interested I can post the modified example and the code.

I think a lot of people are interested.  Perhaps it would be best to put the
.war file up on a web site that it can be downloaded from, then send the
URL to the list.  Anyone who wants it can get it from there.  Those who don't
won't lose the bandwidth.

If you don't have an extronet site to place it on, I'd be more than happy to
put it up for you.

Michael Westbay
Work: Beacon-IT http://www.beacon-it.co.jp/
Home:           http://www.seaple.icc.ne.jp/~westbay
Commentary:     http://www.japanesebaseball.com/

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