I've attached a simple Struts app that illustrates basic i18n. This example is
along with a couple other examples, for a second Java Report article on Struts
(the first was in the November issue of JR).

In the interests of bandwidth, I removed struts.lib and struts*.tld from the
WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/tlds directories, respectively. To run the example
you will need to copy those files from the Struts distribution.

This example works with the 20001206 version of Struts and Tomcat3.2 final.
Please let me know if you encounter any difficulties.


PS: I'm not trying to steal Aditya's thunder. I just thought we could all
from more than one example, especially considering that this one's not
tied to the struts example app, and is small enough to post as an
attachment. And, of course, I can benefit from your feedback before
I write the article.

Aditya Kapur wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was building some prototype for my company and I have modified the Struts
> out-of-box example to add a language drop down on the Login page (which just
> displays English and German) and if the user logs in after selecting the
> language as German all the screens are in German.
> If anybody is interested I can post the modified example and the code.
> Aditya Kapur
> Office (248) 699 3275


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