
I am relatively new to this alias but not to the struts paradigm. I did much of the 
work on the Java Petstore Demo web tier
we in the past have used a very similar architecture. Prior to doing the Java Petstore 
I working in the Sun Global Products
group where I wrote internationalization tools.

Regarding Internationalization. I believe much of this can be done through a 
templating mechanism. In Petstore we use a very
templating mechanism to struts which allows us to define virtual screen names which 
are mapped to xml based screen definitions

in separate files (one per language).  In struts this would be mapping the forward 
page to a forward screen name (a screen is
composed of all the elements (JSP pages and included text) which make up a single view 
that a user would see. The screen
definitions are  defined in xml and is encoded in Unicode which allows us to do much 
of the localization by either including a
separate file or including the localized text directly. In this model we have one 
screen definitions for each language. To add
another language the developer need only add another screen definition file along with 
the JSP pages that require full
translation. Each language will also have its own template which is specified in the 
screen definitions file. This model also
supports partial localization in that you can translate individual elements that make 
up a page. The user can change language
on the fly using an action.

We have a working localized version of this in the Java Petstore Demo 1.1.1 located at

Though the demo is not pure struts (yet) I believe this same methodology may be 
beneficial in struts. I encourage feedback and
comments on this method of internationalization/localization using templates.



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