> I dropped your war in my Tomcat 3.2 webapps directory and the app ran
> fine. I think it must be something in your environment. Check your
> classath to make sure it's not something that's getting picked up from
> there.

OK, this is even weirder.  When I zero out my classpath, the app deploys
fine (thanks to ad hoc testers!).

>From testing, it appears that on Window$ 95 the environmental classpath
*length* affects how tomcat starts up.  The tomcat.bat file prepends the
existing classpath to its own classpath before starting.  If the
environmental classpath is greater than a certain length, I'm guessing,
then some classes inside web applications cannot be found.

It also seems really odd to me that the *presence* of a classpath that
isn't needed in the first place could prevent tomcat from finding a
class inside a .war file, which doesn't need to be included in a
classpath in the first place.

Craig, is this old hat to you or should I write something up and pursue
this further?


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