Zhiyong Li wrote:

> I try to forward the request in a jsp page as follows:
> <%@ page language="java" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts.tld" prefix="struts" %>
> <HTML>
>          <struts:link forward="ibohome"></struts:link>

Note that you'll probably want some text in between the beginning and ending
tags, so you can actually see the hyperlink on the browser screen.

> </HTML>
> I have the "ibohome" defined in the action.xml as follows,
>    <!-- Global Forward Declarations -->
>   <forward name="ibohome"
> path="/generic.do?jsp=/iBiomaticsPortal/MainContents.jsp"/>
> However, I got the following exception when I am trying to run it (I got
> the same exception if I replace "success" with "ibohome").
> Could not deserialize context attribute
> java.io.NotSerializableException:
> org.apache.struts.action.ActionForwards

WebLogic 6.0 currently has a restriction that all servlet context attributes in
a webapp have to be Serializable (not just session attributes).  I've been going
through the various objects that Struts itself creates, and ActionForwards
(among others) was recently made Serializable -- you should be able to do this
with a very recent nightly build.

NOTE:  The Struts example application still won't work, though -- it uses a
context attribute that is not serializable, so it won't work correctly on this

Craig McClanahan

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