The "Struts with a Fruit Glaze" example has been updated to demonstrate
filling option tags from a DBMS query, and changing another query using
those options, along with inserting a new record. Still alpha, but
available nonetheless if anyone is interested. 

Of course, it still also demonstrates an approach to using business
logic beans in Struts. Right now, I'm defining a base data-bean, that
is used by one or more query-beans -- and also by one or more
form-beans. The action commutes the data-bean from the form to the
query (along with a connection from the pool). The data-bean is not
linked to Struts; the query-bean is only loosely linked through the
ActionForm class (which is fairly generic anyway).

The queries here are using prepared statements, and linked to host
variables in the data-bean(s), so narrowing the query can by done
automagically by changing options on the forms (which share the
data-beans with the query-beans). 

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