That's a possibility. But there is a bunch of code and existing directory
structure which i would rather not modify unless I have no other option.

----- Original Message -----
From: Craig R. McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: Infinite Loop

> swapnil ghiware wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am using Struts 0.5 version (modified to that it can handle default
> > mappings) and am using Caucho Resin 1.2.1 as the web server.
> >
> > I have defined my Action Servlet Mapping as :
> >
> >   <!-- Action Servlet Mapping -->
> >   <servlet-mapping>
> >     <servlet-name>action</servlet-name>
> >     <url-pattern>/cpf/*</url-pattern>
> >   </servlet-mapping>
> >
> > and my Action Mapping configuration file contains :
> >
> > <action-mappings>
> >
> >   <!-- Default User Action-->
> >   <action    path="/defaultPath"
> >     actionClass="com.hp.cpf.beans.UserRegistrationAction"
> >     formAttribute="defaultActionForm"
> >     unknown="true"
> >     formClass="com.hp.cpf.beans.UserRegistrationForm">
> >      <forward name="success"    path="/cpf/jsps/MainController.jsp"/>
> >   </action>
> >
> > </action-mappings>
> >
> > When I send a HTTP request, the ActionServlet forwards that to
> > "/cpf/jsps/MainController.jsp" (as defined by the "forward" tag). Since,
> > forwarded URL starts with "cpf", it is again
> > redirected to the ActionServlet which in turn forwards it to the
> > "/cpf/jsps/MainController.jsp". This keeps on looping until I hit a "Too
> > Many Servlets" exception.
> >
> > Any pointers on how to work around this problem.
> >
> Can't you make sure that your JSP page paths do not start with "/cpf"?  In
> words, you might arrange your web app files like this:
>     WEB-INF/
>         web.xml
>         struts-config.xml
>     jsps/
>         ... *.jsp files ...
> and the path entry would be "/jsps/MainController.jsp" instead of
> "/cpf/jsps/MainController.jsp".
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Swapnil.
> Craig McClanahan

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