Hay Tran wrote:

> 1. Does any one know the definite (or best guessed) release date for Struts
> 1.0?

Best guess is "as soon as the last few showstopper problems are fixed, and the
docs updated sufficiently", there will be a beta release of 1.0.  The time frame
until final release had better be weeks instead of months, or I will probably
get lynched :-).

> 2. If 1.0 will not be released by June/2001 time frame, is what are the
> risks in using one of the nightly build of Struts1.0?

I'm biased, but my experience is that the 1.0 nightly builds are very stable.
Once in a while, a problem creeps in, but this is where the active development
is occurring, so such things tend to get fixed very quickly.

> 3. Which of the nightly build is the most stable one to use?

The one from last night would probably be a good start.

> -Thanks.


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