"Steven D. Wilkinson" wrote:

> Peter,
> > I.E. 5.0 and 5.5 generate unique session ids for each simultaneous
> > browser session.  However, both Netscape 4.7 and Netscape 6 return the
> > same Id.

> What do you mean by simultaneous browser sessions.  If you create a new window
> CTL+N in IE5.0 you get the same id. (Is this simultaneous?)

If I start Netscape 4.7 from my desktop (2 instances of it) and go to the same page
in my webapp.  I can printout the session id on the screen.  Both browser instances
will have the same session id.
However, two instances of IE 5.0 will have different IDs.  (this is what I want).

> I thought that both netscape and IE generate new id's if you launch the browser
> from the desktop.  I also thought both netscape and IE use the same id's if you
> create a new window from an existing window.

I haven't tried creating a new window from either netscape or IE.  But if this will
cause both windows to have the same session, then this is something I need to
handle also.

> I use IE5.0 for my testing and this is that way it works, at least with the
> build from 01-28-2001.  I can create a new browser window from the current one
> and both have the same jsessionid.

I am using IE 5.0 & 5.5 and Netscape 4.7 & 6 for testing.

> I'm using Tomcat4.0-m5 for my testing.  I don't know what you are using.

I am using Tomcat 3.2

> Are you using the <html:link> for all of your links?  And are you using
> <html:action> for all of your actions?  I found that if you don't you will have
> a problem.  It's either all or nothing.  If it's nothing your on your own.  At
> least that has been my experience.

Right now I am NOT encoding my links.  However, if my assumptions are correct...
Encoding the links will not help me.  Encoding adds the session id as a query
string to the links.  If the two windows have the same session, then the links (in
each window) will still use the same session.

> Steve

Here is the problem I am running across.   I use beans that store information
pertaining to a specific record in the database.  When a user selects an item from
a list, the bean is populated and placed in the session.  I put it in the session
because subsequent pages require this beans information as well.  However, if the
user has two browser windows running, sharing a session, it is possible for the
user to update the data for the bean in one window, and then retrieve incorrect
information in the other window.

It is very probable that a user will want to have multiple browsers running so that
he/she can compare data.

I hope you can all follow that.  I don't think that I described it very well.

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