For about the last 4 months, I've been putting together the attached list of
products, as news of their existence, pros and cons comes to my attention.
A lot of the comments have actually come from this and other newsgroups.  It
provides a concise, distilled reference of a)what goes into a web solution,
b) what products are out there, c)what's good and bad about each product,
and d) what products get along with what other products.  Had I had
something like this in the beginning, it would have saved me tons of time.

If anyone has come across a similar product comparison chart, please let me
know.  I think it would be very helpful, and probably a lot more accurate
than what I can do on my own.  I would love for something like this to be in
the public domain for everyone to use and improve.

My apologies to those of you who can't open Excel files. :(


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 6:12 AM
Subject: which development tool to use?


I hope my question is not too off topic for this mailing list:

In the last weeks I struggled around with JDeveloper as an IDE for creating
applications with Struts, but
it seems that it has some problems with the message resource files for the
action servlet (see my question
earlier in this mailing list).

So I would like to find out which tools you use to develop  your web
applications, especially how they are

Did anybody use JBuilder and has good experiences integrating with Struts?

I would like to read your suggestions, thank you.



Web Components.xls

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