What!  Only two public sites powered by Struts?  And, java-genius.com always gives me a DNS error anyway.  So there's really only one site in this list that I would dare suggest to people who ask me about Struts in the real world.
There must be more public sites than this.   There's http://jakarta.apache.org/struts  at least (although it doesn't do anything showy).
Please help me explain to MVC-clueless colleagues and bosses why I am spending so much time getting into Jakarta Struts (as opposed to the superficially similar, released, commercial, freely downloadable JSP taglibs, like Allaire's JRun Tag Library or WDIG's TeaServlets).     Please post up some additions to Ted's list.
Also, how about adding more "Struts competitors" to my list of two?  (And, while you're at it, do the competitive analysis.)
Dan Connelly  (who is not Dan Connolly, W3C)

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