The registration and logon section of this site use
struts.  It has just recently gone live.


--- Dan Connelly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   a.. Brewtrade - 
>   b.. TeaTimeJ -
> What!  Only two public sites powered by Struts? 
> And, always gives me a DNS error
> anyway.  So there's really only one site in this
> list that I would dare suggest to people who ask me
> about Struts in the real world.
> There must be more public sites than this.   There's
>  at least (although
> it doesn't do anything showy).
> Please help me explain to MVC-clueless colleagues
> and bosses why I am spending so much time getting
> into Jakarta Struts (as opposed to the superficially
> similar, released, commercial, freely downloadable
> JSP taglibs, like Allaire's JRun Tag Library or
> WDIG's TeaServlets).     Please post up some
> additions to Ted's list.
> Also, how about adding more "Struts competitors" to
> my list of two?  (And, while you're at it, do the
> competitive analysis.)
> Dan Connelly  (who is not Dan Connolly, W3C)

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