Hello Steven,

I think I didn't described my problem correctly. Parsing the properties of a tag works
well. But I want to parse the content between some tags. For example:

    <user propertie="name">
        <text>this is the value i want to initialize my class with</text>

With the addSetProperties method I can parse the propertie of the user tag, but I
can't parse the content between the <text> tag.

> <database>
>  <user username="Joe">
>    <tagwithbody attribute="something">
>    </tagwithbody>
>  </user>
> </database>
> // rule to create instance of Tagwithbody class that is an attribute in User
> class called twb
> digester.addObjectCreate("database/user/tagwithbody", "model.Tagwithbody",
> "twb");
> // this sets the attribute in Tagwithbody class
> digester.addSetProperties("database/user/tagwithbody");

Jens Rehpoehler, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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