On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Peter Alfors wrote:

> check out the pager taglib:  http://jsptags.com/tags/navigation/pager/

 Actually, I can run the example that comes with the distribution but am
having some problems using this pager taglib in Struts. The links created
by the pager aren't working.

 The example I'm working on has a JSP with an embedded form that, upon
submission, invokes a database query and reads back the results stored in
request scope beans (to the same JSP). The pager creates the correct
number of links to result pages. For example, one link created is:


But when I click on this link I only get my simple query form and the
pager output of:

Result Pages [<<Prev] 1

but no other results. I've also tried typing in the URL:


with the same result (or lack there-of).

 Ideas? Any help is appreciated!
 Sorry if this is off-topic for Struts.

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