On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Steve A Drake wrote:

> On Wed, 31 Jan 2001, Peter Alfors wrote:
> > check out the pager taglib:  http://jsptags.com/tags/navigation/pager/
>  Actually, I can run the example that comes with the distribution but am
> having some problems using this pager taglib in Struts. The links created
> by the pager aren't working.

 Well, I did get this working but with a couple of major caveats. 

1) In order to define a given <pg:index>, I had to use scriptlets for all
the code between the start and end tag. I assume this is because - from
what someone enlightened me earlier with - you can't nest tags. I hope
I'm wrong about this because it significantly clutters up the JSP and 
renders all the bean tags unusable. =:|

2) I needed to locate the hypertext index at the bottom of the document
because the index dimensions are determined as the results are iterated. I
assume this could be fixed by buffering the output to a StringBuffer or
somesuch but havn't tried that yet.

If anyone has some usage suggestions for this pager taglib, I'd
appreciate your input.

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