<drool>Arrrrrgggghhhh, Dark Angel</drool>

Ted, I'll cut the "only" word out of there tonight after I watch the
aforementioned program.  But as far as I know, ActionForm is the only Model
type class that Struts really manages for you auto-magically.


Ted Husted wrote:

> Kewl!
> I think I know what I'll be doning after Dark Angel tonight!
> I did notice one point on page 17, where it says "Struts will only
> handle models in an automatic fashion if you extended
> org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm"
> Is the word "only" accurate?
> I believe Struts works best if the form beans are ActionForm subclasses,
> but I think the form and action would work just fine with any JavaBean.
> -Ted.
> Craig Tataryn wrote:
> >
> > ============================
> > Craig M.: Can you add the link to the presentation (if you deem it
> > suitable) to the resources section of the Struts User Guide?
> > ============================
> >
> > URL forwarding sucks.  Given that, I will have to give you the link to
> > the presentation as it exists on the server space I am borrowing until I
> > get my own server box.  The URL may change in the future to my
> > computer-programmer.org domain.
> >
> > The Struts presentation I did can be found (at least for the time being)
> > at:
> >     http://www.us-eh.com/craiger/articles/struts/
> >
> > Let me know of any problems or suggestions you may have about the
> > presentation!
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Craig.
> >
> > --
> > I've been trying to change the world for years, but they just won't give
> > me the source code....

I've been trying to change the world for years, but they just won't give me
the source code....

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