Hello Maya,

Wednesday, February 14, 2001, 3:12:04 PM, you wrote:

MM> Oleg,
MM> Thank you very much for very detail, helpful answer.
MM> The best wishes and good luck.
MM> Maya

Always welcome. 8)

>>   You can store image file names in properties in use it in <img> tags
>>   - <img src='<bean:message key="picture.cat.english"/>'>
>>   <img src='<bean:message key="picture.cat.french"/>'>

Recently I fix <html:img> tag and post it to the struts-dev. If Craig
apply it then you can avoid such constructions as -
 <img src='<bean:message key="picture.cat.french"/>'>
and use <html:img> tag -
 <html:img path="images" srckey="picture.cat.english" altkey="Cat!"/>

Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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