
Thank you for your 'instant analysis'.  It sounds backed by a painful history of 
do-it-yourself.  I would love to see
this thread continue.

You make some very good points about the Event/Listener model implemented over HTTP.  

I have some questions...  

I don't understand why the need to do an Event/Listener over HTTP?  
Is it the firewall issue?
Isn't the browser also a problem?
Would the UI implemented in JSP or Applet/Swing?


> Dan Connelly wrote:
> Okay, that's a good question.
> Here is my instant analysis of Barracuda v. Struts.  ("Instant" and therefore 
>probably worthless.  BTW, I haven't used
> Barracuda.  And my experience with Struts is confined to toy applications.)
> Barracuda has apparently bitten of the Event/Listener model as its top-priority 
>task.  Struts has deferred this design
> decision until a later release.   And there certainly are a ton of more mundane 
>concepts to work through.
> The Event/Listener Model appears on the Struts 1.1 to-do list.  My guess is that it 
>will actually not make 1.1, that
> it will be delayed until 2.0 because of the massive refactoring required.  Just 
> The Barracuda docs say that the Event/Listener Model is the crux of the matter for 
>leveraging MVC on the Web.  Yes.
> Yes.  Yes.  Very True, IMHO.  You screw it up, you lose.
> But also Very Difficult given the client-server division of labor in HTTP and the 
>on-going Browser War.   (Just one
> war, obviously.)
> It does seem wise to me that Struts should not make a hasty decision on its 
>Event/Listener Model, but not past the
> point where it would break everything to put it in.
> When I worked on MVC apps in C++/Motif, we addressed this issue less generally, as 
>Update Dependencies.  We
> compiled the UD declarations into Mapping objects using a preprocessor.   This 
>seemed adequate for building lively
> apps and gave quite good performance, but Motif widgets had a much finer granularity 
>of interaction in the application
> logic than do FormBeans.
> Of course, the Swing-style Event/Listener Model is much more run-time oriented in 
>its approach than is a UD
> preprocessor.  Java favors late binding.  C++ favors early binding.  It is a 
>continuum.   Each Framework needs to pick
> its spot on this continuum regardless of its implementation language.
> My guess, and it is just a guess, is that Struts will end up with some flavor of 
>static UDs in the struts-config.xml,
> and that will be about the best you can do for HTTP Web apps.
> Barracuda will have to stick its hands very deeply into the DHTML mud to map the 
>client-side events out to server-side
> objects.  This is a mess.  Once Barracuda is stuck there, then it falls victim to 
>the "real" barracudas (the
> proprietary vendor interests) .
> If you need something very dynamic, very programmatic in your application's 
>Event/Listener Model, then you need a
> different protocol than HTTP over the wire.  Period.   IMHO.  Surely X-style "GUI 
>Servers" will become part of the Web
> in due time.  Same goes for Critrix-style "Terminal Servers".   (Were it not for 
>firewalls, this would already be
> true.)   And if that doesn't happen, then look who's betting on SOAP (nee XML-RPC) 
>to put events (as RPCs) on the
> wire.   Clever marketing can easily morph SOAP into an Event/Listener Model on its 
>own, eventually escaping HTTP
> altogether.
> Struts is wise to avoid this fray, for now.    But, I'll bet that others in the 
>Struts community feel strongly just
> the other way, that early engagement would be best.   Maybe Barracuda has already 
>done succeeded in mapping
> client-side events.  ??
> Dan Connelly
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Johan Compagner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Struts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 7:28 AM
> Subject: How does Struts compare to Barracuda?
> > Here is the link:
> > http://barracuda.enhydra.org/Barracuda/
> >
> > Can we learn something from it?
> > Is it better or worse?
> >
> > Johan
> >
> >

Steven D. Wilkinson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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