> I have the same question as Dan regarding the event model....  Why does the
> browser need to understand or send events (for the most common
> navigation/data entry)- wouldn't this be the responsibility of the
> controller servlet to translate HTTP requests/responses into Java events?
> As a side, The InetBeans components included with Borland JBuilder 4.0
> perform this type of event translation. I was very excited to see these
> beans in JBuilder, but unfortunately the lack of documentation and examples
> makes them difficult to use.

Just for one simple use case, consider that you might want a user to make a
selection in one GUI component (say, clicking a checkbox) that should cause
another GUI component (say, a select box) to be repopulated based on a database
query done at the server.

Web apps have to deal with the fact that events like this happen on the client
side, but require actions on the server side -- to say nothing about how you
arrange for the user interface to be updated.  It's even more complicated when
you realize that the JavaScript and DHTML support in popular browsers is so
different that you almost need to program a support environment for each browser

As others have said, doing this stuff right is *not* easy.  At the moment,
Struts is focused almost totally on the server side, and we will need to think
long and hard about how to get involved in client side stuff as well.  Custom
tags give us a technology that can do lots of the grunt work for us, but
deciding what those tags should do will be very interesting.

> Bob

Craig McClanahan

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