Hi all!

I'm defiantly new to the struts and taglibs so please bear with my questions:

We are writing a proof of concept to see if struts will meet our needs for 
a non-profit customer we are working with. Several questions have come up 
during this process. First off,  the web pages we will be creating will 
have a common navigation bar used across the whole web site. It would be 
great if we can create one HTML file called navigation.jsp which all pages 
use. It seems that the struts template taglibs might be the solution, 
unfortunately the 0.5 version of struts we downloaded does not contain 
these taglibs. The template taglibs are in CVS and easily accessed but I'm 
wondering if these are going to be distributed in the next release of 
struts. Also I'm wondering if the template taglibs will suit our needs. Any 
other solutions to the above problem would be greatly appreciated.

OK, this was only one question. I'm sure as we move along with the proof of 
concept more will pop up.

Thanks for all your help,
  - John

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