Hello, Torsen,

It is not an answer to your question. But I would like to use this email and
ask the struts development team about compatibility template library and
components library (http://www.lifl.fr/~dumoulin/components/). Components allow
to define "instances" to reuse them with different parameter values. They have
good examples how to use them for implementation. They do not have a "role"
attribute yet. Both components and templates have a lot of common. Why not
combine the best parts both of them and put under struts project before 1.0

"Beuck, Torsten" wrote:

> Hi, we like to use Struts with Bea WLS 6.0 for a B2B application. Currently
> I am developing a prototype and the first tests under Tomcat worked fine. I
> used the Struts template tags for a page design with header, navigation menu
> and content. An example:
> <%@ taglib uri='/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-template.tld' prefix='template' %>
> <template:insert template='/pageTemplate.jsp'>
>   <template:put name='logo' content='/logo.jsp' />
>   <template:put name='header' content='/header.jsp' />
>   <template:put name='menu' content='/menu.jsp' />
>   <template:put name='content' content='/content.jsp'/>
> </template:insert>

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