"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> DONNIE HALE wrote:
> > Tom,
> >
> > First, the web.xml file isn't parsed by the ActionServlet; it's parsed by the 
>servlet engine when it's initializing a web application (web.xml is part of the 
>standard for defining the properties/characteristics of a "web application"). It 
>should be completely parsed and accepted as correct by the time ActionServlet.init() 
>is called, during which the struts-config.xml file is parsed.
> >
> Actually, a recent change to ActionServlet means that it *does* do a non-validating 
>parse of web.xml as well (to figure out what <servlet-mapping> it is invoked under).  
>This is necessary to make correct recognition of the action attribute in <html:form> 
>work on path-mapped servlets.
> Struts includes a local copy of the struts-config DTD file, and Tomcat 3.2.1 
>includes a local copy of the web.xml DTD file -- which should both be used when you 
>specify a public identifier that matches (as it appears you are doing).  Have you by 
>any chance changed the parser that came with Tomcat (jaxp.jar and parser.jar), or 
>tried to put a parser in your WEB-INF/lib directory?
> Craig

Re: jaxp.jar and parser.jar, I have been all over the map trying to get my Visual Age 
for Java environment working with Struts again. But I started clean with fresh 
installations of Tomcat 3.2.1 and Struts build of Feb. 20, no edits and running 
totally independent of VAJ. I drop the struts-example into webapps and start up, not 
logged onto the Internet.

I can see in the debug trace that the struts_config_1_0.dtd resolving to the local 
copy as you explained. But when it comes time for web_app_2_2.dtd, the SAXParser 
throws a fatal error. After that, I can access the index.jsp of the example, but login 
with "user" and "pass" yields an HTTP 404. If I enter registration info and attempt to 
submit it, again HTTP 404.

When I restart after loggin on to the Internet, the example application works as 
expected. Do you think something is broken?
Tom Miller
Miller Associates, Inc.
641.469.3535 Phone
413.581.6326 FAX

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