Katherine Barry wrote:

> We are using action forwards, but the url in the browser never changes.
> Everything works happily, so the only thing we want is for the browser to
> change and display the new URL(mainly for the refresh button). I know
> everyone is now using 1.0, but we haven't migrated, and are still using
> 0.5(we are to close to release to have changed). How can I get the browser
> to update?

What you are seeing is the result of how a RequestDispatcher.forward() works.
This all happens on the server side, and the client browser has no clue what
happened.  The only way to get the browser's displayed URL to change would be
to use redirects instead of forwards, which has two disadvantages:

* It is much slower, because of the extra round trip to the browser

* It eliminates the ability to use request attributes, because the redirect
  comes in as a separate request.

As I general rule, I train my users to totally ignore the location bar when
running a web application (as opposed to surfing a web site).  If they still
get confused, you have several options:

* Run inside a framed presentation so that the location bar
  *never* changes.

* Use JavaScript to create a new window that has no location
  bar, and run your app inside that.

* Get some new users (don't we wish sometimes :-).

> Katherine


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