Welcome a "board", John. We are all gratefully happy that we have Struts and
its developers / contributors.

John Wright wrote:

> Struts developers and other contributors,
> I have been working several months on a project and was really getting
> nowhere.  I had implemented my own MVC framework based on some usely
> assorted ideas mostly from JavaWorld articles.  Then I found Struts
> yesterday.  It blew me away.  I intuitively knew right away that it was the
> right architecture and would save me tons of time by allowing me to avoid
> that tedious JSP programming that was bogging me down.  I know letters like
> this don't help anyone to learn more about Struts but I felt like I have to
> say thanks.  This is one of the best and most well documented frameworks I
> have ever seen.  I dreamt about Struts last night. :)  Maybee now I can get
> back to 8 hour days and time to take a walk in the woods and watch the
> beautiful spring come in (I am not exaggerating).
> I will try to repay what I get from Struts by contributing to this list.  I
> am a really fast learner of frameworks.  That is at least one of my skills.
> John Wright
> Kansas City, MO
> P.S.  I am already about 75% to where I had been in several months with just
> one day of Struts.  What does that say for Struts!

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