
   Due to the inherient problems with frames here is a solution for your

   Abstract out the logic to generate the list of items in a different
Action object.

   When you are outputting the the <FRAME> HTML tag,
   map that to the action object that will generate the list items.



   If you are submitting your form from a frame and not building a <FRAMESET

   try this:
      I am guessing that you have to sibling frames and the frame with the
list items is called "menuFrame".

      <Body onLoad="callAFunctionToReloadMenuFrame()">

      this function would reload the menuFrame with the URL above:

Hope This Helps,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Firmin David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 3:13 AM
> Subject: Scope and re-display with errors problem...
> Hi all,
> I make a request from a menu frame for a list of items, and they are then
> displayed in the adjacent main frame. Before the page is displayed, the
> "list" object is put in *request* scope in the code. If the user enters
> invalid data and submits the form (of which the list is a part), the page
> cannot be redisplayed with the associated errors as the "list"
> object is no
> longer visible to it. I have no wish (for a multitude of reasons)
> to put the
> "list" object in the session even though it would solve the problem.
> Is there another way around this? I have tried <bean:define> with
> toScope="request" in the original page but clearly cannot call the new
> variable the same thing, meaning that all my references to the bean within
> the page become invalid. (I am unsure whether or not this would've worked
> anyway)
> Any help in finding a way of doing this without using session
> scope would be
> very gratefully received!
> Thanks in advance
> Rgds
> David
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