Hi Joel,

> <form:form action="logon.do" focus="username">
>         Username: <form:text property="username" /><br>
>         Password: <form:password property="password"/><br><br>
>         <form:submit value="Logon"
>                 onclick =
> "window.open('reconciliation.jsp','recwindow','width=800,height=600,resi
> zable=no,scrollbars=yes');return(false)"/>
> </form:form>
> This works in that it opens a new window and stops anything happening in
> the old window. The problem is, the form doesn't seem to be submitted,
> and the action is not called! Consequently, there is no login.
> Any ideas?

I have a general question: why don't you open the new window
before you make
the login checking? To describe it clearer: open the new
window, show as
first page the login screen and after a succesfull login
"reconciliation.jsp". With the way you do it right now you
will get some
problems, in my opinion, when the "reconciliation.jsp" is
shown before the
"logon.do" action is processed (this can definitly happen).


Jens Rehpöhler
Tel: 0172-5277655 * eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
rehpoehler - WebDesign & Software-Entwicklung
Meisenweg 4
33335 Gütersloh


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