On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Dorai, Harish (c) wrote:

> It seems the "onclick" event overrides the submit action and hence your form
> is not getting submitted. Instead of using "form:submit" use the "Button"
> tag and in the "onclick" function put this code.

 The html:submit tag creates an input type of "submit" with a default name
of "submit". The problem is that this default name conflicts with the
Javascript function form.submit(). I entered a more lengthy note about
this at http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=struts-user&m=98460389910114&w=2

 There are a number of ways to hack around this problem including:

1) use an html:button instead
2) set the property for the html:submit tag to something other than

 I consider the behavior of html:submit to be a functional bug because the
default attributes don't work when you use the form.submit() Javascript
function. I would prefer that the html:submit tag create an input type with
a name other than "submit" to prevent this naming conflict.

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