Try to have a complete server-side solution. Basically use a flow
controller to map your flow and write a state machine which controls your
flow. This will then work irrespective of your client interface (i.e the
client can use a cell phone WAP browser also) and this would still work.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nishit Trivedi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: RE: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

i think this is solution for all browsers...

use meta tag in html for pragma no-cache and
also use response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache") from server side..
this should work for IE also..


-----Original Message-----
From: James Maggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

Further to my previous email, the caching in IE is becoming beyond a joke.
The browser seems to just pick files at random from the cache when it
displays a page.

In response to a request for the root index.jsp file for my site it returned
the source of an external javascript file linked to the document it was just

I know this is a problem with IE and not struts itself but has anyone found
a solution to the caching problem? And, moreover, a solution that works
across all browsers?

Many thanks,


----- Original Message -----
From: "James Maggs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: Url Rewrting and Cache problems

> Hi There,
> I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
> excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
> deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
> problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to help me with.
> Firstly here is my set-up:
> Red Hat 6.2
> Apache 1.3.12
> Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)
> And now here are my questions:
> 1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by Tomcat. I am aware
> of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the problem remained.
> <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
>    RewriteEngine On
>    RewriteRule  ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$  $1  [T=jserv-servlet]
> </IfModule>
> I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. How to I add
> this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? Alternatively,
> have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same
> result:
> JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13
> Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems to work ok.
> Does this seem feasible?
> 2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under MSIE. I am
> the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my pages. I am also
> following the model demonstrated by the struts-example application where
> more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
> parameter to control this). However, this results in different pages being
> displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to ignore this and
> just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true in the init
> config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.
> Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would be a shame if
> had to abandon Struts after having come so far.
> Many thanks,
> -James

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