Hi There,

I am developing my new website using struts and have found it to be
excellent. I use tomcat in stand-alone mode during development but on
deploying the web application to my web server I am experiancing a few
problems which I hope you learned fellows might be able to help me with.
Firstly here is my set-up:

Red Hat 6.2
Apache 1.3.12
Tomcat 3.2 Beta8 (using mod_jk)

And now here are my questions:

1. Apache does not recognise the jsessionid appended by Tomcat. I am aware
of the following RewriteRule but when I tried this the problem remained.

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteRule  ^(/.*;jsessionid=.*)$  $1  [T=jserv-servlet]

I guess the jserv-servlet mime type is for mod_jserv users. How to I add
this mime-type to allow me to handle requests with mod_jk? Alternatively, I
have thought of adding the following to my config to achieve the same

JkMount /appdir/*;jsessionid=* ajp13

Where appdir is the appropriate application context. It seems to work ok.
Does this seem feasible?

2. Secondly, I am having major problems with caching under MSIE. I am using
the templating tags to give a uniform layout to all of my pages. I am also
following the model demonstrated by the struts-example application where
more than one function is carried out per Action (using an 'action'
parameter to control this). However, this results in different pages being
displayed depending on request parameters and IE seems to ignore this and
just pull out the cached version. I have set the nocache=true in the init
config for the action servlet but this has made no difference.

Can anybody help me with either of these problems? It would be a shame if I
had to abandon Struts after having come so far.

Many thanks,


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