Or a related feature, to know how many times you've iterated?  I had need to
know when I was on my last iteration so I could not put in an <HR>.  I think
it could be done differently, but right now, I'm actually porting an
existing site to struts.  I broke down and just put some Java code in to
have a counter that I could check.

I do hope improving the logic tags is on the list somewhere.  They are
pretty restrictive if you don't want to extend them.


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 1:46 PM
> Subject: RE: Iterate certain number of times?
> Thanks, but I don't need all that functionality.  I have 
> already set up the
> paging in my actions, but want to generate the links myself 
> simply looping
> through.
> Is there not a way to loop through some HTML a set number of 
> times in struts
> (rather than over a collection)?!
> Dave
> "Karl Basel" 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 04/27/2001
> 04:21:17 PM
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:    (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
> Subject:  RE: Iterate certain number of times?
> Hi,
> There's a good pager taglib at jsptags.com. I've used it in a 
> struts app and
> does the job quite well when embedded in the iterate tags.
> <logic:iterate>
>    <pg:item>
>      Item Details
>    </pg:item>
> </logic:iterate>
> Hope it helps,
> karl
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 27 April 2001 09:29
> Subject: Iterate certain number of times?
> Hi.
> Am wanting to iterate a certain number of times, based on a 
> value in my form
> bean, to create a set of page links for the number of pages 
> the user can
> view
> (similar to at the bottom of most search engine results).
> How do I do this with Struts?  Obviously I am not iterating over a
> collection.
> But surely it is possible - what am I missing?
> Many thanks,
> Dave

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