I hate to keep asking the same question but I haven't gotten any 
repsonse yet.

One thought I have had is do do something like:

  <jsp:include file="english.jsp"/>
else (fr)
  <jsp:include file="french.jsp"/>

What would be the performance drawbacks of something like this?

Jason Smith

----- Original Message -----
Date: Friday, April 27, 2001 12:53 pm
Subject: i18n...

> I have a couple of questions.
> I had a JSP in which I had approximately 40 bean:message tags for 
> i18n.  
> This page was taking 15 seconds to load.  If I had two requests 
> for the 
> page at the same time it would take 45 to 60 seconds.  Obviously 
> this is 
> not acceptable.  When I replaced the bean:message tags with the 
> text, 
> the response time goes to a respectable 3 to 5 seconds with 
> multiple 
> hits.  Therefore, I have to come up with another method of 
> internationalization.
> I am new to this so I am looking for suggestions.  I have to 
> support 4 
> languages.  My current thought is to detect the browser's settings 
> and 
> forward the request to the appropriate JSP that is specific to the 
> language settings.  I'm not sure exactly where this should be 
> done.  I 
> would like it to be dynamic so that I can reuse FORM and ACTION 
> beans 
> for each related page.
> Again, any suggestions would be appreciated.
> ------------------
> Jason Smith

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