If you look for another method of internationalization, you can check
Components framework :
  it provides basic i18n capabilities.

  The Components framework allows to write 'internationalized' Components (a
component = a jsp page). The idea is to have different versions of a
component (a jsp page), each version suited for a particular language. When
you include the component, system insert the appropriate version according
to locale and language. If no component is defined for a particular locale,
component for default locale is inserted. This behave like the java
localized properties, but for components.
  This mechanism was proposed as a solution for i18n pages containing lot of
text that don't suit well in a properties file. It is a complement to Struts
properties file mechanism :

   * use components i18n when you have a big page or component to translate,
     or when you need different layouts according to locale
   * use "Struts" properties file when you have just few sentences to

In your case, you can use Components mechanism for your slow pages, and
still use Struts properties file for others pages.


Components sites :
  (mirror) : http://www.geocities.com/cedricdumoulin/components/


> I have a couple of questions.
> I had a JSP in which I had approximately 40 bean:message tags for i18n.
> This page was taking 15 seconds to load.  If I had two requests for the
> page at the same time it would take 45 to 60 seconds.  Obviously this is
> not acceptable.  When I replaced the bean:message tags with the text,
> the response time goes to a respectable 3 to 5 seconds with multiple
> hits.  Therefore, I have to come up with another method of
> internationalization.
> I am new to this so I am looking for suggestions.  I have to support 4
> languages.  My current thought is to detect the browser's settings and
> forward the request to the appropriate JSP that is specific to the
> language settings.  I'm not sure exactly where this should be done.  I
> would like it to be dynamic so that I can reuse FORM and ACTION beans
> for each related page.
> Again, any suggestions would be appreciated.
> ------------------
> Jason Smith

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