Just another thing to look at. The message resource is
loaded at startup, in ActionServlet.initApplication(),
and stored in the ServletContext with the key
"Action.MESSAGES_KEY" (which is really the String
"org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE"). The message tag
simply gets the resource from there. You can try to
put a break point in initApplication(), and see
whether the resource is read correctly there, if yes,
you may want to check whether any of your Actions
overwrites that key.


--- "G.L. Grobe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> RE: html form widgets not appearingThe entire
> index.jsp file is included in this message so you
> can see the html source at the end. I havn't
> actually re-compiled the struts.jar file to see what
> was happening (because it wasn't easy to get working
> w/ orion server) but just by looking at
> MessageTag.java, I could see where in doStart() the
> message var came back as null and threw the
> exception when trying to read the key. I saw the
> file it was trying to read was correct by doing a
> println(getClass().getResource("my.properties")...
> in my jsp file. 
> I'll look at this loadLocale to see how and where to
> use it. Thnxs. 
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Jason Chaffee 
>   Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 7:09 PM
>   Subject: RE: html form widgets not appearing
>   What does the html source look like?  You also
> might want to check the method loadLocale() and make
> sure the message strings are being loaded from the
> file.
>   -----Original Message----- 
>   From: G.L. Grobe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>   Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 5:11 PM 
>   Subject: Re: html form widgets not appearing 
>   Heh, I've been on this prob for almost two weeks
> and I'm loosing motivation 
>   in this project because of this bug. My servlet
> config I believe is correct. 
>   I made it as simple as possible by putting the
> cais.properties file in the 
>   ~/WEB-INF/classes dir (no package path) and
> saying: 
>   <!-- Action Servlet Configuration --> 
>     <servlet> 
>       <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> 
>       <init-param> 
>         <param-name>application</param-name> 
>         <param-value>cais</param-value> 
>       </init-param> 
>   Other keys are not being found as well. I know the
> correct file is being 
>   found as I println the
> ...getClass().getResources("cais.properties") and it
>   shows it's got the correct path and according to
> the struts code, it's 
>   finding the file, but not the key. 
>   I'm pretty sure I'm referencing the key correclty:
>    <%@ page language="java" %> 
>   <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld"
> prefix="bean" %> 
>   <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld"
> prefix="html" %> 
>   <html:html> 
>   <head> 
>   <title> 
>      <bean:message key="main.title" /> 
>   </title> 
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: "Scott Cressler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 6:58 PM 
>   Subject: RE: html form widgets not appearing 
>   > Well, at least now you know you're invoking the
> bean:message tag.  ;-) 
>   > That's a problem I've found with debugging
> custom tags: if you forget the 
>   > taglib directive or screw it up, you get no
> complaints. 
>   > 
>   > It seems to be saying it can't find your message
> by that key.  Can you 
>   find 
>   > any messages?  Do you have the correct reference
> to the properties file in 
>   > your web.xml file, e.g.: 
>   > 
>   >   <!-- Action Servlet Configuration --> 
>   >   <servlet> 
>   >     <servlet-name>action</servlet-name> 
>   >    
>   >     <init-param> 
>   >       <param-name>application</param-name> 
>   >      
>   >     </init-param> 
>   > 
>   > In my case, that means the file is at 
>   >
> .  I don't 
>   think 
>   > it necessarily has to be there (isn't there some
> search path for finding 
>   > it?), but that has worked for me (using resin). 
>   > 
>   > Make sure you can find any message and then make
> sure your tag is 
>   > referencing the message key correctly, e.g., I
> would expect given what 
>   > you've said it would be: 
>   > 
>   > <bean:message key="main.title"/> 
>   > 
>   > Scott 
>   > 
>   > > -----Original Message----- 
>   > > From: G.L. Grobe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>   > > Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 4:51 PM 
>   > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>   > > Subject: Re: html form widgets not appearing 
>   > > 
>   > > 
>   > > I don't get it, if I match
> prefix="struts-bean" w/ a tag of 
>   > > <bean:message 
>   > > key ... 
>   > > it can't find the keys in the properties file,
> which I'd say is to be 
>   > > expected. But if I change the prefix="bean" w/
> tags of 
>   > > <bean:message ... 
>   > > making the prefix and tag the same like it
> should be, then I get the 
>   > > following error. 
>   > > 
>   > > 500 Internal Server Error 
>   > > javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing
> message for key main.title at 
>   > >
>   > > .java:242) at 
>   > > /index.jsp._jspService(/index.jsp.java:136)
> (JSP page line 9) at 
>   > > com.orionserver[Orion/1.4.8 (build 
>   > > 10374)].http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(Unknown
> Source) at 
>   > > com.evermind[Orion/1.4.8 (build
> 10374)]._aj._nxd(Unknown Source) ... 
>   > > 
>   > > I traced this file in the struts code and the
> file is being 
>   > > found, the key 
>   > > is in the file, there are no invisible
> characters, but it's 
>   > > not find the 
>   > > key. 
>   > > 
>   > > ----- Original Message ----- 
>   > > From: Scott Cressler 
>   > > To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' 
>   > > Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 5:59 PM 
>   > > Subject: RE: html form widgets not appearing 
>   > > 
>   > > 
>   > > prefix="struts-html", but tag uses are
> <html:*> ? 
>   > > -----Original Message----- 
>   > > From: G.L. Grobe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>   > > Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 3:30 PM 
>   > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>   > > Subject: html form widgets not appearing 
>   > > 
>   > > 
>   > > My pages are showing up fine and the form
> Actions are working, w/ one 
>   > > exception, all of my pages are not displaying
> any of the form 
>   > > widgets like 
>   > > radio buttons or text entry boxes and even
> bean message keys, 
=== message truncated ===

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