Title: Reducing the burden on ActionServlet.

In our project we have more than one hundred jsp (each having an average of 2 or 3 forms )and we have already decided to use struts as our framework. Now the dilema :- We found that managing such a large number of jsp from a single stuts-config.xml file will be a huge  burden. Plus, it seems the ActionServlet will be hard pressed always, as a controller. Considering both these facts we realize that there should be a mechanism to share the load of servlet through some way. Though this can be achieved by using more than one servlet , we don't want to use this solution because it is highlt complex considering the projects interwoven functional requirements.
Is there some way by which we can accomplish an efficient way to manage a large number of jsp files and to increase the performance by reducing load on the servlet.

Thanking in advance.

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