Title: RE: html:text default values? how?

It is the way Struts is intended to be used.  You should read up on the MVC/Model 2 design pattern.  If you strictly follow this pattern you should never directly access a jsp page, instead you should always go through an action class.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 3:34 PM
Subject: RE: html:text default values? how?

that would definitely work. however, it adds another class to the mix
of things. something that was easy was made difficult to do. basically
for something using just JSP is a cinch.

my options are: add the new action and a new class, maybe add a new
action that doesn't validate the form but refer to the same class?,
or add a default attribute to the html:text tag.

will have to think about it i guess.


Jason Chaffee writes:
 > Why don't you use Struts and the MVC design pattern?  You should have an
 > action class that populates your form bean, then forwards to login.jsp.
 > Struts will get the value from the form bean and display it on your page.

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