I *guess* that the html:xxxx tags require a form bean (please correct me if 
this is wrong) so they won't work with dynamically created page elements 
like input text fields.

I did the following and it works, got the idea from Scott Walter (thanks) - 
see http://www.mail-archive.com/struts-user@jakarta.apache.org/msg06972.html

There may be a better solution to this, if there is, I would like to know.
Background: "dbconnection" is a bean I use to keep the session's database 
connection, and other objects. wpLaborEntries is a vector holding objects of 
type WpLabor.

In my jsp page I create input text fields like this:

<FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="UpdateWoplan.do">
<% int i=0; %>
<input type="submit" value="Update_Fields">
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<logic:iterate name="dbconnection" property="wpLaborEntries"
               id="wpl" type="com.tz.maximo.woplan.WpLabor" >
          <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%="craft"+i%>" size="5"
              value="<bean:write name="wpl" property="craftqty"/>"></td>
          <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%="lhrs"+i%>" size="5"
              value="<bean:write name="wpl" property="laborhrs"/>"></td>
          <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%="w1"+i%>" size="5"
              value="<bean:write name="wpl" property="wpl1"/>"></td>
          <td><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="<%="w2"+i%>" size="5"
              value="<bean:write name="wpl" property="wpl2"/>"></td>
<% i++; %>

So, the key point is, giving a "consistent" name for each input text field.

And, in my action class, I get the values like this:
public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,
                             ActionForm form,
                             HttpServletRequest request,
                             HttpServletResponse response)
   HttpSession session = request.getSession();
   for(int i=0;i<dbconn.getWpLaborEntries().size();i++){
     WpLabor wplx=(WpLabor)dbconn.getWpLaborEntries().get(i);
   if (dbconn.successfulQuery=="true") {
      return mapping.findForward("success");
   else {
      return mapping.findForward("failure");

Hope this helps (and it is clear!)...

>From: Richard Murray Subject: How do you use indexed properties with 
>html:input? Date: Tue, 08 May 2001 08:44:41 -0700



>I've got the following property:

>        String[] data.

>I want to iterate the array and display each String in a text input >field 
>a table. I can get the data to display using iterate and a bean:write >tag 

><struts_logic:iterate id="element" name="testGrid" property="data" >
>        <td><struts_bean:write name="element" /></td>

>I can't get it working with a text input field ( html:text ).  I've >tried
>the following and get javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: No getter method >for
>property element of bean org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

>I want to use property="data", but how can I can specify which element >of
>the array to output and save on an update?

><struts_logic:iterate id="element" name="testGrid" property="data" >
>        <td><struts_html:text property="element" /></td>

>Hope someone can help.


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