Make sure that your bean is put in the session scope *before* the jsp page 
is called. (In some earlier Action class)

And, please do not take me wrong: you can of course use useBean tags, but 
what I understand is, you should avoid this when possible (when you can do 
it with Struts tags).


I've just tried that but get the following exception:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean contributorEditForm in
scope session

I've removed all useBean tags from my jsp and have added the following in my
action class:

ContributorEditForm contributorEditForm =
(ContributorEditForm)session.getAttribute( "contributorEditForm" );

if ( contributorEditForm == null )
        contributorEditForm = new ContributorEditForm();
      session.setAttribute("contributorEditForm", contributorEditForm );

My JSP contains code like: <struts_logic:iterate id="rows"
name="contributorEditForm" property="data" scope="session">

Have I done something wrong?

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