Craig -

I had tried it as a runtime expression (and just tried it again) -
<app:checkLogon name="<%= Constants.STAFF_LOGIN_KEY %>" />

but get the same result?!? If I put a system.out.println in the doEndTag of 
checkLogon, it prints name = "<%= Constants.STAFF_LOGIN_KEY %>".

This is with Tomcat 3.2 if that matters.
On the other problem, in the resource file I have -

error.login=<li><b>Login Error: {0}</b></li>

Is that the correct syntax?


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/11/01 10:38AM >>>

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Ryan Cornia wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out how to pass a constant name/page to the example checkLogon 
>tag. I created a Constants class, with -
>    public final static String STAFF_LOGIN_KEY = "test:staffloggedin";
> in my jsp I put -
> <app:checkLogon name="<% Contants.STAFF_LOGIN_KEY %>" />"

You need to use a runtime expression instead:

  <app:checkLogon name="<%= Constants.STAFF_LOGIN_KEY %>" />

> The issue is that it sets name in the checkLogon tag to the string " <% 
>Contants.STAFF_LOGIN_KEY %>" not the value of that scriptlet ("stafflogon.jsp"). Any 
> Also, I am trying to do substitution on an action error with the following -
> errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR,
>                      new ActionError("error.login", "test"));
> When this runs, the error message is -
> "Login Error: [Ljava.lang.Object;@158bf9 " 
> Instead of 
> "Login Error: test"
> This is with Struts 1.0B3.

What does the message format string named "error.login" look like?

> Thanks,
> Ryan "Newbie"
> Ryan Cornia
> Programmer Analyst
> Department of Community and Economic Development
> State of Utah

Craig McClanahan

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