Thanks Craig, that works perfectly! Now the checkLogon tag accepts the expression, and 
everything works as expected.

Any idea on why the actionerror substitution is not working? Anyone else having 
problems with it?

> Also, I am trying to do substitution on an action error with the following -
> > 
> > errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR,
> >                      new ActionError("error.login", "test"));
> > 
> > When this runs, the error message is -
> > "Login Error: [Ljava.lang.Object;@158bf9 " 
> > 
> > Instead of 
> > "Login Error: test"
> > 
> > This is with Struts 1.0B3.
> In the resource file I have -
> error.login=<li><b>Login Error: {0}</b></li> 


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