On Mon, 11 Jun 2001, Tom Miller wrote:

> Hi Jeff
> I don't know how they do it, but at the AOIndustries Level II service,
> one does get a private VM and app server, classpath, etc. At Level I,
> when you restart Tomcat, it restarts everybody's app, and that can be a
> hassle.

I don't know about AOIndustries in particular, but there are quite a few
ISPs that have specialized versions of the underlying operating system
that creates (in effect) multiple separate machines.  In such an
environment, each subscriber gets what feels like their own complete
server (complete with "root" access), although multiple subscribers are
actually sharing the same machine.

If you run something like Tomcat behind Apache, it's also not that hard to
have a separate JVM for each individual subscriber (without modifying the
OS).  The memory occupancy of this approach is higher, which is one of the
reasons it generally costs more.

> Tom


> Jeff Trent wrote:
> >  Problem is I'm looking for a hosting facility that offers Java + ASP
> > hosting.  Usually, I find these services lean one way or another. A
> > bit off subject, but I'm wondering how these providers have their
> > environment setup so that each user can have a separate App Server /
> > VM, classpath, etc. and can be managed separately (on NT).  If anyone
> > knows, I'd be interested to hear from you... Tnx.
> --
> Tom Miller
> Miller Associates, Inc.
> 641.469.3535 Phone
> 413.581.6326 FAX

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