Oh, if the taglibs are not from you then I believe the best you can do is to
write a tagExpose tag that will do like this:

<x:tagExpose id="myBean">
   <my:foo a='bar' />

Which will be a BodyTag that will expose the BodyContent content to the bean.

And then let the bean for the rest of the page.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 2:06 PM
Subject: Re: how to quote nested tags

On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 12:57:03PM +0200, Lacerda, Wellington (AFIS) wrote:
> On your doStartTag you create the object you want to store, then use the
> implicitly defined pageContext object to store it:
> MyBean someBean = ....
> ....
> pageContext.setAttribute("theNameYouExposed", someBean, REQUEST_SCOPE) //or
> or 
> pageContext.setAttribute("theNameYouExposed", someBean) to store it in the
> page scope
> then in the recipient tag you retrieve it with:
> pageContext.getAttribute("theNameYouExposed",REQUEST_SCOPE) // or....
> or simply pageContext.getAttribute("theNameYouExposed") if it is in page
> scope.

Ah, ok, this way. The problem is that the taglibs are 3rd party and
therefore should/could not be modified... isn't there a way where I
don't have to modify the taglib sources?

I guess something like this could be an option, but besides having
these ugly scriptlets in my JSP's, I see no way to store the tag
expansion in a variable within a scriptlet...

    String tmpStr;

    tmpStr = %><my:foo a='bar' /><%  // this obviously will not work...
    <my:bla b='<%= tmpStr %>' />


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