hi all

i have trouble in struts implementation

if i running my struts with tomcat, it's no error apear
but if i tray to running my struts using other application server like 
Oracle9IAS or J2EE
it's not running well.

is there any special setting to running struts in other aplication server 
specially in Oracle9IAS and J2EE ..? what is that...?

in other case i have trouble to implement java script in jsp tag that 
include struts
if i using  <html:form action="/logon" focus="userID" 
onsubmit="CheckLogOn(this); return false;">
and in the CheckLoOn fuction i declare "frmxx.submit();"
the browser give erorr alert.

how can i inplement the javascript in jsp+struts..?

thank's in advace
for all of response



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