See intermixed comments.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 22 June 2001 16:58
> Subject: Re: running struts in other application server
> There are additional instructions when required for several 
> application
> servers, but there should not be any general compatibility issues. I
> have heard that Oracle9IAS is a repackaging of Orion. 

It does appear to be. I managed to get both the struts-example application
and my own struts based application running under it simply by following the
Orion instructions (
Also, the Orion 1.0.3 problems with ServletContext.getResource() appear to
have been fixed so the last part of the instructions are not necessary. 

> < >
> Here's a Javascript that I use when submitting my forms, in case it
> helps you with yours. 
> <html:form action="/stub/Insert" focus="property0" onsubmit="return
> submitForm(this);">
> ...
> <script language="javascript">
> <!--
> function submitForm(form) {
>   if (validateStubForm(form)) {
>     form.submit.value=" ..."; 
>     return true;
>   } 
>   else return false;
> };
> // -->
> ihin wrote:
> > 
> > hi all
> > 
> > i have trouble in struts implementation
> > 
> > if i running my struts with tomcat, it's no error apear
> > but if i tray to running my struts using other application 
> server like
> > Oracle9IAS or J2EE
> > it's not running well.
> > 
> > is there any special setting to running struts in other 
> aplication server
> > specially in Oracle9IAS and J2EE ..? what is that...?
> > 
> > in other case i have trouble to implement java script in 
> jsp tag that
> > include struts
> > if i using  <html:form action="/logon" focus="userID"
> > onsubmit="CheckLogOn(this); return false;">
> > and in the CheckLoOn fuction i declare "frmxx.submit();"
> > the browser give erorr alert.
> > 

If your form has a submit button there can be a naming conflict between the
button and the javascript submit() function which might be the cause of your
problem. This has been discussed quite a bit recently. The simplest solution
appears to be to make sure any submit buttons are given a name that is not

> > how can i inplement the javascript in jsp+struts..?
> > 
> > thank's in advace
> > for all of response
> > 
> > regards
> > 
> > gohin
> -- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
> -- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
> -- Tel 716 737-3463.
> --

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